Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Flying Kites, Visitors, R's 4th Princess Birthday :)

A few weeks ago, my sister Angela, husband Grant and their 5 girls came to visit us.  What to do when it's windy?  Let's go fly a kite!  We live in a windy area, in our new subdivision, with open spaces, so while they were here, we flew some kites.  It was great fun for everyone. (Uncle Grant helping Little Miss R, with Cousin R and Little Man E)
Little Miss R, Cousin R and Little man E, flying their kites.
Mark flying his dragon kite.  It looks so cool in the air like that.
Little Miss R, has such a fun personality!  She was out there dancing as she flew her kite.  I think she was channeling Michael Jackson in this picture. :)
It was so much fun flying kites!  We will definitely have to do this some more, because our area is perfect for it!  (Little Miss R, Little Man E, Cousin T, Mark, Cousin K)
Little Man E, is a real minority when we hang out with Angela's family, with their five girls!  But Little Miss R, fits right in with her strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes!  Cousin A, Cousin T, Little Man E, Cousin K, Little Miss R, Cousin R, Cousin S, enjoying some huge strawberries! YUM!!
Babies K and A hanging out in Baby K's bed, reading books together.
Cousin K, with some of the hail storm!
Little Man E, with cousin T :)
Cousins K and T with Little Miss R
Cousin R, Little Man E and Cousin T & Angela and Me: 15 weeks pregnant--I'm not really showing too much yet
We had a birthday party for Cousin T (turns 6) and Little Miss R (turns 4) while they were here.  We had it on Cousin T's birthday, and a few days before Little Miss R's.  We let the kids decorate their own cupcakes.  They had a blast!
Little Man E and Little Miss R, with their decorated cupcakes. :)
Cousin T opening presents.
Cousin T and Little Miss R, opening presents!
Little Miss R, is so cute!  She squealed with joy every time she opened a present.
It was a very fun party.  We all had a great time.
Happy Birthday Little Miss R and Cousin T! :)
Grant and Mark 
Baby K, in serious concentration, looking out the window. :)
I just love the look of my sleeping babies :)  So sweet.
On Little Miss R's actual 4th birthday, we had a {Princess Birthday party for R}, with a few of her friends and family.  We decorated with Princess decore, pink streamers and balloons (I don't have much of the decore pictured here--but it looked awesome!).  All of the little girls dressed in Princess attire.  I did a lot of their makeup.  Little Man E, dressed up as a transformer, because he wanted to dress-up too. :)
We had princess movies in the background, and princess music.  Uncle Glen dressed up as a clown and made balloon animals for the kids!  They loved it!  Thanks Glen!  You rock!
We had pizza, a vegetable tray, cheetos, soda and juice and had the kids decorate their own cupcakes.  It was a lot of fun. :)  We also had the kids play a game, pin the crown on the mermaid (Thanks Nette!) that was a lot of fun. :)
Princess R, loves being the center of attention!  Here we are singing her Happy Birthday. :)
Cousin G, Little Miss R, and Little Man E, eating their cupcakes.
Little Miss R, opening some of her gifts. :)
Little Miss R, with some of her gifts, and a treat bag that we sent home with everyone.
Princess R, and some of her guests.  We had about 12 little kids, plus 9 adults here.  It was lots of fun.
 Baby K and her princess tinker bell outfit. :)
Little Miss R, with Grandpa and Grandma (Mark's parents)
Princess R, had a fabulous birthday party.  We all had a great time.  On another note, I have been starting to feel the baby kick!!!  I love this part of pregnancy.  Especially since, my morning sickness (I'm nearly 17 weeks now) seems to be getting better and better each day!  Yeah!!! :)


Kaylene said...

Happy Birthday, Rachel! She's so cute! Looks like her party was a blast. Congrats on being pregnant and I'm glad the morning sickness is almost over! :)

Angela said...

My girls are so proud to have made your blog!! They were so excited to see these pictures! They wish we would've stayed for the real party! Looks like a lot of fun! But we are so happy we had the chance to "chill with the Chandlers." (quote by Riana.) ;) Love ya!

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