Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hike, Picnic, Snow, Fun together

We went on a hike together to see a beautiful waterfall.  It was a lot of fun to hike together.  We love hiking together.  All of the kids did well hiking; Baby K, even walked for a lot of it.  
Next we went to see Wallowa Lake, to have a picnic and go fishing.  It was great.  The kids really love to go fishing with their Daddy.
 We enjoy riding our bikes on the sidewalk in front of our home.  We are in the process of teaching Little Man E, how to ride a two wheeler too.  We signed Little Man E, up for Kindergarten and soccer this week.  It is craziness that one of our babies will be in Kindergarten!
We had a crazy snow storm at the beginning of this month, (in May).  It was a surprise to get snow this late, but the kids and I loved playing in it together and building a snowman, a snow woman, and a snow fort.  It was fabulous.
It has snowed a lot less than normal for this area, this year.  So we were thrilled to be able to have a bonus snow day to play in and enjoy. :)
I felt very spoiled on Mothers Day.  Mark and the kids made me an amazing breakfast in bed, I was given flowers, candy, cards and we had a special dinner with Mark's whole side of the family.  It was a great day.  I am about 20 weeks pregnant in that picture.
We went to Mark's brother Glen (who happens to be in our ward) and wife Summer's new baby (our niece) G's baby blessing.  Mark got the neat opportunity to stand in the circle.  It was a nice blessing.
 Mark's whole side of the family, plus part of Summer's (Mark's brother Glen's wife) family too.
Baby K, has started going to Nursery at church.  This is her with cousin J, and 2nd cousin sisters C and C.  
Baby K, is slowly getting used to being in Nursery, but still prefers for Mommy to be in there with her right now.
 Mark took Little Man E, camping on the Father and Son Outing and had a wonderful time.  I stayed home with the Girls and we had a "Girl Party".  We watched movies, ate delicious food, danced, had a sleepover and a blast together.
Baby K, enjoyed finger painting her paper and herself.  She had some help from her siblings too.


Steph said...

I love the pic with Mark & the kids standing on the gravel ridge in the water. Beautiful!

Anna said...

Woah - Kate looks so cute all blue! What do you use for finger paint? I've never done it at home.

Summer said...

Cute baby Kate in all that paint!
that hike looks so pretty with that waterfall!

Megan and Jeremy said...

I love that picture of Kate!!! Kids are so cute when messy, eh? (usually) And that picture of Mark & the kids fishing is amazing-you guys live in such a beautiful part of the country, it makes me homesick for mountains & the Great NW :)

Ingrid said...

Those fishing pictures are absolutely gorgeous! Postcard perfect! Kate must have taken a long time to get off that blue! How fun... Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Angela said...

Love Kate's ponytails! So cute! Love the waterfall pictures! And the bike pictures! And your little blue smurf! LOL! ;)

Jenny said...

You're such a fun mom, Liz. I love that you and your girls had a girls night while the boys went camping. And you're looking very cute pregnant!

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