Friday, June 11, 2010

Circus, Elephants, and Angels!!

We had the great experience of taking the kids to the Circus today!  It was amazing!  They had lions, tigers and bears (Oh my!), trapeze artists, dancers, motorcyclists, tight rope walkers, jugglers, performers of all kinds, and elephants.  Amazingly enough no clowns!  Which is crazy.  I am a bit scared of clowns anyway (ever since I saw the movie "It").  So I didn't mind! :)  (Pictures taken by an angel Emily--read story below!).

Little Miss R, was so excited, especially about the dancers with the pretty outfits (she was dancing with them in the audience).  She would say, "I want to do that!  I want to do that!"  She was talking about the acts, even dangerous ones.  It was funny because Little Man E, would say the opposite, "I don't want to do that!  I don't want to do that! (even though he thought it was pretty cool)"  As you can probably guess, Little Man E, is more cautious than Little Miss R. :)  I on the other hand, (along with Mark) really enjoyed the acts, but was cringing, and praying for the brave souls performing death-defying acts for the sake of the audience's entertainments, without even using nets below!  Wow, they were amazing!!  Baby K, was really excited to see all of the fascinating things, especially the animals.
 Before and after the show, you could buy tickets to ride on ponies, elephants, have your face painted, and go in a fun house.  We decided that riding on an elephant was something that the kids may not ever get the chance to do again--that we wanted to buy that ticket (even though it was the most expensive at $8/per ticket, compared to $6, what the other tickets cost (not including the price of admission), which we actually got two for one, because we had coupons, so two of us got in free, and we paid for two (and Baby K was free).  
Anyway, the kids got to ride on an elephant (they are 3rd (Little Miss R) and 4th (Little Man E) from the left), and I had decided to just enjoy the show and NOT bring my camera (which is SO unlike me!).  I didn't know that the kids would be getting a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I wouldn't have my camera!  There was another mom (Emily) there with her camera phone, and she was taking pictures (her kids (the other two looking at the camera) were on the same elephant).

Anyway, I asked her if she could send me a picture of the kids riding on the elephant, and what an angel, when I got home, I discovered to my surprise she had sent me 10 of the circus!  I'm so grateful to the kindness of strangers (one in particular today!), and her willingness to share her pictures, that will help us remember such a fabulous day!  We saw a lot of people we knew, including Mark's brother Glen and his family.  So the kids got to play with some of their cousins during intermission, which was neat.  We also got the kids huge balloons (which Baby K, calls "loons"), cotton candy and went to Dairy Queen after wards.  It was a fun day! :)  We all thoroughly enjoyed our circus adventure!


Jenny said...

That's so fun that your kids got to ride on an elephant! I sometimes opt to leave my camera behind and just enjoy whatever we're doing, but it seems like every time I do that I wish I had brought it. That's nice of that woman to send you the pics.

Anonymous said...

wow, elephant rides! Now that is cool! Looks like you guys had so much fun, we should have gone with you all! Next time!!

Mandy Cheney said...

You guys are always having so much fun! What incredible family memories you are creating:)

Megan and Jeremy said...

How fun to go to the circus! I've only been to one a couple years ago & we loved it! That's so nice of that lady to email you all those pictures :) How are you feeling?!

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