Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!! :) {2008}

I LOVE Sweet little Baby's toes, and every little part about Baby K. She is such a sweet, wonderful baby. We love her! We are just finished painting our house (baby yellow), here is a picture of it in the process of being painted! We also went to a Halloween party last Friday at Mark's brother's house. It was a lot of fun. They had games, food and it was a lovely party. We decided to dress as a theme. So our family went as "Toy Story". Mark was "Woody", I was "Bo Peep", Little Miss R, was "Jessie", Little Man E, was "Buzz Light year" and Baby K, was "Bullseye" (Woody's Horse). Mark's brother Glen, wife Summer and daughter G, went as Clowns and Mark's sister Kristy, husband Troy and daughter T, went as a Detective, his assistant and the cat in the hat. We will be going Trick or Treating tonight and to our church's Trunk or Treat. The kids are very excited. :)


Anna said...

oh my gosh - i LOVE the toy story family theme! you all look SO cute (especially baby Kate)!

Candice said...

I love love your family picture - so creative, I was so lame this year that I recycled our idea from last year. How you have time to do all this just adds to the fact that you're supermom!!

Natalie said...

cute costumes! i don't think I could get Brad to dress up for Halloween. I have always wanted to dress the family in themed costumes that match.
It look like your house is coming along. Where are you living? I asked Brad he thought you were in Oregon?

Ryan and Leah said...

I love the little cows! So cute! Your house looks like it is coming along nicely!

Emily said...

Charlie and I love your Toy Story costumes! How fun!

Looks like the house is coming right along. That will be so fun to have your own place that you designed!

Angela said...

Very cute costumes! Rachel totally looks like Jessie in that picture of just her! Also, Aurora's has that same outfit that Kate is wearing in the first picture, only in a bigger size. You should bring it at Thanksgiving, if she still fits into it, and we can take pictures of them together.

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