Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I just love this. {Family Pics 2009}

I just love to watch Little Man E, blossoming into such a wonderful big brother to my younger girls. He is so protective and watches out for them, and helps them so much. I had to share this sweet story. We were up visiting my side of the family for
the past week (I will share pictures and other stories later). My parents had come up to visit and took us back with them (Mark came up to visit and get us this weekend).
Anyway, one night I was sleeping in the king bed in my parent's guest room with Little Man E and Little Miss R, on the other side of the bed. I noticed that Little Miss R, was getting close to the side of the bed, and was thinking about if I should move her. Then
Little Man E, pulled her from the side of the bed (to the middle), and said, "I don't want {Little Miss} R to fall off the side of the bed." He came up with that all on his own, that he wanted to protect his little sister from hurting herself. The next day, we were talking about it
to Little Miss R, and Little Man E said, "Don't you scare me like that again, okay {Little Miss} R?" It was so cute. :) {P.s. One thing that is hard to take is pictures of my family, with my lil ones and me in the picture. I had my sis Angela help me take these pictures}


Steph said...

I always wanted a big bro...didn't happen. Cute story about your little ones, thanks for sharing it. :0)

Ryan and Leah said...

The pictures are great! I know how it is trying to get a picture of everyone! I love watching siblings take care of each other the girls do stuff like that with the boys!

Brianna said...

Cute story and cute pictures! I love the ones on the bridge!

Summer said...

THose are nice pictures. That's nice ethan helped Rachel stay on instead of push her off. :)

Candice said...

What a chivalrous and caring big brother - love it!

Emily said...

Great pictures! I love the colors. And your family is really beautiful.

Angela said...

These pictures turned out so cute! I really love the standing up one. So cute!

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