Friday, February 26, 2016

{February 2015: New Baby D is born! Valentines Day, Family Visits}

On a wonderful afternoon, in February 2015, {a week ahead of schedule}, our newest addition Brand New Baby D, arrived on the scene; of our family.
 We were all thrilled and delighted that he came a week early; especially since he was born on his Great Grandpa's birthday {My Mom's Dad}.  Mark and I, holding our tiny, new Baby D, when he was only a couple of minutes old. 
 We love every little detail of our new Baby D.  He is such a darling, precious little baby boy.  We love your tiny little hands and feet, your sweet new baby smell, and the little baby sounds that you make.
My Mom has always tried to make it before my babies were born {I usually go very fast!}.   She thought she had plenty of time; since I usually go right around my due date.  I have never gone a week early.  But Baby D {and Great Grandpa} had a different plan in mind.  She made it right after Baby D was born!  It was almost perfect timing.
 It's kinda funny though, because she and my brother Joe, were on their way down to our house, thinking they had plenty of time.  I think that my Grandpa {her father}, and Baby D, played a joke on my Mom, and had him come on Grandpa's birthday, and before my mother arrived.
 Baby D is such an easy going baby, and slept through the night from day one.  It's serious craziness {none of my other babies, slept through the night this early!}, I had to wake him up to nurse him.  Because he would just sleep through everything.  
 Baby D is such a happy little man.  We all adore him and love having him in our lives!
Our children are all so happy to have him here with us!  They love him so much!  We love our happy little family.
He evens out the boy:girl ratio in our family too.  Which is super fun!  
After my Mom and brother Joe arrived, they stayed with our kiddos; and then brought them to visit with us at the hospital, the very next day.
Our children were all so excited to kiss, snuggle and hold their new baby brother.
They were all so happy to have a new baby brother!
 Our oldest son E, holding our youngest baby son D.  My brother "Uncle" Joe, and my Mom "Grandma" holding new baby D. 
Our Three Happy Girls {H, K, & R} holding their new baby brother D.
Our new Happy Family of Eight.  Our Kiddos with My Mom and my Brother, Joe.
Our Three Happy Boys!  E & C are so thrilled to have their new baby brother D!
 Our kiddos K {Kindergarten}, E {Fourth Grade} and R {Third Grade}, with their fun treats, and cards from their Valentines Day Party, at school.
 We love you our precious baby boy D!  We love your sweet, tiny toes.  You are adorable!
 My brother Tommy, and his girlfriend {& future wife} Maggie came to visit us {from BYU} for Valentines Day weekend.  It was very fun to visit them and get a chance to meet her for the first time.
Baby D, we love the joy that you have brought into our lives!  You make our hearts filled with love and sunshine!
 These Beautiful flowers were given to me, by my thoughtful husband; in celebration of the arrival of our sweet Baby Boy; {and also for Valentines day}.
 We took our family to see Shoshone Falls, along the Snake River.  Such a beautiful view! :)  We love it! I love Waterfalls & Rainbows!
We love all of the amazing views, and beautiful nature scenery that our Heavenly Father has created for us, to enjoy.  My Mom and brother Joe, were able to stay with us for two weeks to help out.  We were so happy to have them and grateful for all that they did to help, our little family.
After my Mom and Joe left, Mark's Mom was able to come and visit and help us for a week.  We were so happy to have her with us.

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