Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Blogger VS. the Cereal and Milk fiend {E 04.2007}

Well, I've decided that this blog thing is pretty cool, realization a little late you say? Nah, just writing about it now. I am finding all kinds of things in the world that I want to blog about, and things that happen to me on a daily basis as well. And it's amazing, because I am basically killing three birds with one stone. I type something out on my blog (1), print it out for my journal (2)(I am a journalist big time) and then I use the entry also in my scrapbook (3) {I am a Huge fan of Scrapbooking--love it}. Plus I love reading everyones entries and seeing pictures. It is such an amazing way to keep in touch. I have been trying to figure something out lately. My son E is a cereal and milk-aholic. He wants it for breakfast, lunch and dinner lately {he would live on it if I let him}. So I try to play the mom card--I give him something to eat, and he won't eat it {very strong willed child--big sweetheart, but can hold his own like no other!}. I ask him why he won't eat, he says, "Cereal and Milk! Cereal and Milk". I say, "Eat your dinner." He says, "No" and refuses to eat. I am at a loss. I actually decided that he is grounded from cereal and milk, including at breakfast--until he starts eating more regularly, with the food that he is given. People say, "Oh, he will eat when he gets hungry. " And I say, "Will he?" He has gone to bed hungry a few nights lately...and I don't know what to do. I try to strap him in his seat to eat, and sometimes that works, but other times {like today--he sits there and crys and then after a while, he throws his food on the floor.} Sometimes he'll get so hungry that he will eat his dinner, or he wants something to dip it in... I have this rule that after he eats some of his dinner, he can eat things, but they have to be healthy. But if he doesn't eat his dinner he doesn't get any treats. He used to be such a good eater before he turned 2, he would eat just about anything, and lots of it. Now, he has these control tantrums {it's my choice to eat what I want}--and I am at a loss. Am I doing everything I should? If any of you have any advice for me, Please let me know. I really hope that this is just a phase.


Elizabeth C said...

New Development: He told me he wanted mustard, and so I gave him some dipping sauce and he actually ate a lot of his dinner.

Anjuli Fry said...

Colin can be like this too he doesn't fuss he just plays alot. The most frustrating thing is Conner eats better and cleaner (most of the time). What works for me is to give him what he wants after he eats what I want him too. And if he doesn't he gets watch us give Conner the treats. Which normally gets him to eat rather quickly. When he really gets upset or refuses to eat, we have had to tell him that he doesn't get anything else to eat until the next meal or if it is dinner then the rest of the night. When that happens I have to curb his drinking because he will just ask for stuff to drink. I don't take all his water or juice, I just don't let him fill up on it. Also for lunch I will give him two options and he has to choose from them and then he feels like it was his choice. I understand how frustrating it is and I hope this helps.

Elizabeth C said...

Thanks for the support and advice Anjuli! It sounds like we have dealt with similar things!! All of those things that you said sound good! I know, sometimes if we give Ethan milk or juice, he will fill up on it too! It's so funny how they are so little yet have their own ideas about how their life should be run already! The thing with the treats--we try to do that. We don't give him that until he eats some dinner, but watching his sibling eat the treats, now that is a way to do it! lol...maybe when Rach gets a little older that trick will work better. I'm glad that you feel my pain!! ;) Thanks for being there. And for the advice.

Angela said...

Sounds like you are doing everything right with him, sis! Just keep it up! Be consistent!

Elizabeth C said...

So here is what happened tonight: my Mom served one of Ethan's 'favorites' of the past, Spaghetti and green beans, and he decided that he was going to exercise his power and say, "I not eat that". And then my Dad (Gpa) said, "Ethan can't have spaghetti and green beans" (reverse psychology). And Ethan said, "Mama, Dada said can't have green beans and sgetti--I want green beans and sghetti!" heeehehhe Our evil plot worked!! hahaha (my evil plan laugh). And he ate his dinner. Amazing what a little reverse psychology does!

Joy said...

We struggle with this all the time in our house. Zac and I love soups and chili but our kids just don't like it. Well I am not going to stop cooking it because it is good and I am not going to turn into a short order cook either so we do the same thing you do. Either they eat what we are having for dinner or they don't eat until breakfast the next day. It makes me really sad when they are hungry but usually the next night they eat a little bit so they won't be so hungry. Believe me - kids won't let themselves starve. Zac says he tells parents this all the time. So if a doctor says it, it must be try right? Sometimes it is nice to have a doctor for a husband...

Elizabeth C said...

Yah, that is good advice Joy thanks! It is just hard to not see them each something, if they choose not to. I guess they do end up eating when they get hungry though huh? It definitely it's good to be a short order cook for each member of the family! It's a good thing for kids to get used to being flexible and trying things they don't like---I guess.

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