Saturday, June 30, 2007

Fun times in Washington! {06.2007}

Here are some pictures from when we visited Washington last. We had a blast with my family and with some friends too. The first picture is of Mark and I hangin out with Bff Megan and her hubby Jeremy. We love these guys! Also pictures from one of our many walks with my family and of my kiddos lovin it playin with their many Cheney cousins, and of S's birthday (Angela's second oldest). We love spending time with our family! We can't get enough!! The picture of Ang's and my kids in the bus shed, is crazy, because I we grew up going there to catch the bus when we were little, and here are our kids sitting in the same bus shed that we grew up going to.


Celestia said...

I love your pictures. Sariah's Birthday? How did I miss that one? Sariah, if you are reading this, Sorry kiddo. I really need to get my stuff together and remember everyone's b-day!

Angela said...

Total last minute thing. Sorry Celestia. I didn't even tell Mom I was bringing the cupcakes. I still haven't even bought her any presents because I am such a slacker.

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