Wednesday, April 15, 2009

200th Post! Little Miss R's 3rd Birthday :)

Happy Birthday our Precious Girl R! We love you and are so happy to have you in our family!!! :)
I asked Little Miss R, what kind of food she wanted for dinner, and she said, "I want Chinese food. I want to go to a Chinese Restaurant to eat." She cracks me up! Who would think that a barely 3-year-old would want to eat Chinese food for their birthday dinner. We went to Chinese though. Little Miss R, is very articulate. A lot of people comment on how well she speaks.
Little Miss R, is such a delight. She is so much fun to be around.
We had a wonderful party for Little Miss R, with just our little family.
Little Miss R, loved her new Cinderella dress that we got her. She is really into dressing up. Luckily, we have a HUGE dress-up box, because Little Man E, likes to dress up too. We got her pink lip gloss too. She LOVES PINK and LOVES Lip gloss too!
I am She-Rah!! Little Miss R, loves to pretend and has a great imagination.
Little Man E, is SUCH a good brother to his little sisters. He is always willing to help. Here he is opening Little Miss R's Barbie for her.
Little Miss R, received packages in the mail from my parents and my brother Chris, his wife Mandy and family. She loved getting packages and she loved the gifts inside! Thanks you guys!! We plan on having a party with Mark's side of the family on the 19th (after Mark's parents get back).
This picture shows Little Miss R's very blue eyes. People always comment on how beautiful her eyes are. That shirt was mine when I was little. I love dressing my kids in my vintage clothes, it's special to have them wear things from my past. Luckily my mom saved me some.
We have been watching Niece T, (Kristy's (Mark's sis) baby). For last week and this week, while Kristy goes to school (my mom-in-law usually watches her, but they are in Cali on vacate right now). Anyway, we have been having loads of fun spending time with Niece T and Kristy. They are lots of fun, we love spending time with them. :) I took Niece T's 9 month pictures for Kristy, they are on my photography blog. We FINALLY got our tax return back, it's taken FOREVER, so I ordered my photography studio equipment yesterday and it should be here next week!! Yeah, I am sooo stinkin excited!!!! :)


Megan and Jeremy said...

Happy Birthday Rachel!!! I love the pictures of her with the lollipop and your 'vintage' shirt! I'll have to see if Jeremy's Mom kept any of his clothes :)

Anna said...

Happy birthday to your big girl! I agree with Megan - I really love the pictures of her in the blue skirt with the pink lollipop and the white background; they show off her cute personality!

Anna said...

P.S. congrats on the 200th post. you were the first person I know that started a blog. you've been doing this a long time! it is such a fun way to keep in touch with you.

Elizabeth C said...

Thanks guys. We had a lot of fun. Yah, it's amazing that I'm to the 200th with not having the internet for so long, at my place.

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