Thursday, April 23, 2009

If YOU see a Green TENT Flying....

around TOWN It's MINE!! A couple of days ago, Mark setup one of our tents in the backyard for the kids to play in. We have been having lots of fun playing in it. This morning, I had them clean out the bedding, sidewalk chalk, toys and such that were inside, not thinking about how incredibly windy it is in this town (especially in the area that we live)! We don't have a fence in our backyard either (yet). So, when we left for Walmart at 11:15am --it was still here and a little bit later at 12:05 pm we came back and it was missing! There wasn't much tying it down, and the wind is pretty crazy here, so it is more than likely that the wind blew it away(there isn't much to block it on either side of our home, just farmland and acreage of other people that don't have fences)! The other option: Someone took it out of our backyard, which is not as likely. This is a pretty safe area. Mark and Little Man E, went out looking for it for a bit (we will continue to do so), but didn't have much luck. :( Anyway, if you see a flying tent, it's not an over-sized kite! It's OUR tent and please return it to our backyard. :)


Jenny said...

Ha ha, that is crazy Liz! Hope the wind changes directions and your tent flies back to your backyard!

Steph said...

That's a total bummer.

Megan and Jeremy said...

That is crazy! I hope you find it soon -floating around town ;)

Elizabeth C said...

Yah, it's totally craziness I agree. But all I can really do is laugh about it. That is how I am dealing with it.

Angela said...

Oh my goodness! Hilarious but sad, at the same time!

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