Saturday, June 27, 2009

Little Man E: Soccer & Swimming (new experiences 2009)

I am coaching Little Man E's soccer team. One of my good friends Nette, who's daughter M, is also on the team, is my assistant coach.
There are also 3 other kids from church on our team, friends of ours. All of the children on the team are wonderful. We are going to have a lot of fun with this great group of kids this year.
Little Man E, is really enjoying being in soccer. I really am liking being his coach. This is my 4th year coaching. It's fun to finally be coaching one of my own children too, for a change.
I will enjoy watching him blossom into an even better player, as he plays more and more. I really like working with these kids. It's going to be great.
Little Man E, liked going to the store and picking out his soccer equipment and clothing.
Little Man E, is also starting swimming lessons for the first time this summer. He wasn't really sure about getting into the water at first.
These are pictures from his first day of classes. His teachers are really great with the kids.
He usually warms up and enjoys himself by the end.
I can't blame him for being a little hesitant about swimming lessons. I had to of given my mom heck when I was going to my lessons as a child. I did not like them one bit. But I am grateful to my parents for making me go anyway. I love swimming now.
Little Man E's favorite part of swimming lessons is going down the twisty water slide! So much fun!!

I also took Little Miss R, to her future dance instructor to be evaluated, to see if I should put her in dance now or in the fall (they usually have them start at 3 1/2 and she is just barely 3). We decided together with the teacher that we'd wait until the fall to start her in there, to make sure she is ready (even though she was responding well). I just want to make sure that she is fully ready to take that on. Little Miss R, is really excited to take dance in the fall. The beginning class teaches a little bit of everything: ballet, tumbling, etc.


Suzanne said...

how fun to be coaching your own son! i can't wait until my boys can play sports and do swimming!

Megan and Jeremy said...

That will be such a special experience for you guys! And good luck to Ethan with swimming lessons too-I remember being scared of the water too :)

Summer said...

That is neat you can put your kids into lessons. That will be so good for them. It's neat that you coach soccer too. How'ld you get into that?

Elizabeth C said...

The first year I coached soccer was for Kristy's team, while she was in HS during the summer, and then I knew the person that was the sec of the league and she asked me for 2 years after that (they always need coaches, especially experienced ones). Now, I'm coaching Ethan's team.

Candice said...

Too fun! I can't wait to see Rachel's costumes and Ethan has got a fun summer lined up!

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