Monday, August 03, 2009

Our 4th of July! :) {2009}

This first picture is from Pioneer Day. We dressed up to go to our ward picnic. :)
For fourth of July morning, the girls and I walked over to the church for a breakfast with our ward.
Then we got in our van and drove over to a local 4th of July parade. It was a really fun parade, all of the floats were really cool. They threw candy, stuffed animals, and beads for our kids to have.
My mom was down visiting for our 4th of July weekend. It was wonderful to have her here.
Then we went to Mark's folks house and had a barbeque with them, and some of the Chandler side.
Then we went back to our place and set off some fireworks that we had purchased. They were fantastic. We also watched the University's firework show from our place. It was amazing. Some of Mark's side of the family also joined us.
We all did sparklers. They were fun. This is Little Man E, playing with his sparkler, his 2nd year.
This is Little Miss R's first year with sparklers. She is pretty fearless.


Summer said...

That's fun your mom got to be with you guys. Next year I want to watch the College fireworks. That's cool you can see them from your place.

Elizabeth C said...

I'd like to go to the College Fireworks sometime too. But we've always just watched them from somewhere, and it's fun that we can see them from our house now.

Megan and Jeremy said...

Glad you guys had such a fun fourth of July! That is one of my favorite holidays. That's nice your Mom was able to celebrate with you.

Candice said...

Those pioneer outfits are great, fun time - the kids look like they had a blast!

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