Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Christmas letter and Thanksgiving :) 2010

*Hello Family and  Friends!!                                                    Christmas Letter 2010
                This year, we have been enjoying living in our new home, and loving the extra room with our growing family.  We put a fence up, in our yard this year.  It makes it much easier to not have to worry (as much), while having the kids play in the yard.  We have been having fun camping, playing, swimming, singing, laughing, dancing, taking walks and being happy together.

                We were surprised to have Baby C (2 months), born on his actual due date.  He was in a big hurry to get here, being born within 5 minutes after we arrived at the hospital (two hour labor)!  It was intense!  He weighed 8 lbs and 3 oz and measured 21.5 inches.  Baby C is a very sweet, good-natured baby, and is starting to coo and smile.  We all love him very much.  We are all adjusting well to having a family of 6.  

                Little Miss K (2) loves learning new things.  She enjoys playing with her siblings.  She has amazed us all, by continuing to potty train herself.  It is very nice that she can now communicate her thoughts and feelings so well, with us too.  She's a little sweetheart, very happy and enjoys snuggling with us.  She loves being a big sister and is a big helper.

                Little Miss R (4) can't wait to be in Kindergarten next year.  She's a spunky little girl and a lot of fun to be around.  She is such a sweetie and loves to give compliments and express affection for us in words and snuggles.  She loves being a "little mother" to our new baby.  Little Miss R and Little Man E liked learning to swim, by taking swimming lessons, this summer.  She enjoys learning, playing dress-up with her siblings, pretending and is a little chatterbox.        

                Little Man E lost eight teeth all before the age of (6).  He started Kindergarten this year and is enjoying learning and playing.  He was in soccer last summer and has continued to improve, scoring several goals in the season.  Little Man E is so EXCITED to have a new little brother!!!!  We appreciate him being such a big helper for us.  He can clean his room almost entirely on his own.  Little Man E is a very affectionate and thoughtful little guy. 

            Mark and Elizabeth are loving being the parents of four little children!  The kids bring great joy into their lives.  Mark is still working with his brothers and Dad, building and remodeling homes.  He also enjoys camping, hiking, fishing, reading, and singing.  Mark will be starting school again in January, to finish his degree, in teaching.  Elizabeth loves to be able to stay at home with her four babies, and enjoys a photography {} biz on the side.  She also takes pleasure in scrap booking, doing crafts, singing, and playing the violin and piano.

                We sincerely wish you all a very  joyous holiday season and a fabulous new year!     

                Love, The Chandlers

*Hello again.  I'm trying to update our blog, and will try to relate as much of our busy life as possible.  

At the beginning of November, we had Baby C's baby blessing at church.  Many of our family and friends were able to attend this special event.  This is a blessing outfit that my mom made for us, that we used for both of our boys.
 We had a luncheon at our home after wards.  
Here is cousins S and B with Little Man E and Baby C.  
  Little Miss K with cousin S being silly together.
Cousin S with Little Man E, Baby C and Cousin N: 
We were so happy to have them come visit!
 Cousin L and K with Little Miss Rachel and Baby C.

Mark & I with Baby C on his Blessing Day. 
My parents with Baby C on his blessing day.
Mark's parents with Baby C on his blessing day.
Our little family on Baby C's Blessing Day.

We had Thanksgiving at our home, with our children, the week before Thanksgiving, because we like to have our own traditions.
Then on Thanksgiving day, we were up in Washington at my parent's house for Thanksgiving.  We had 14 adults (counting my 17 yr old brother) and 17 grandchildren (with 2 more on the way).  All of my side of the family was there.  It was fabulous. 

Our boys.  You can totally see the resemblance between them.

Our kids had so much fun with their cousins!  Cousin C, and trampoline time and sleepover with Cousins T, K, S and H.

My mom with Cousin A and Little Miss K.

Visiting with Mark's Aunt Judie and Uncle Anthony, my friend Adrienne, and the kids playing in the snow with our friends, the Smiths.
We stopped at Multanomah Falls on our way home.  It's so beautiful there.  We really enjoy seeing the waterfall.

I had the special treat of attending my sister Angela's baby shower. 

 Eating at Thanksgiving dinner and me with awesome outfits for Baby C, from my sister Angela and her husband Grant.
We had a "girl party" and I did my girls hair.
The kids and I decorated a Ginger Bread House.  We love doing that.

We all went to Little Man E's kindergarten class Christmas Party.  It was a lot of fun.  I also volunteer in his class every Thursday, which has been a lot of fun for me (I started about a month after the baby was born).  
More Christmas Pictures to come...


Anna said...

Hey! We did get your cute Christmas card - thank you! (I thought I put a message on FB thanking you, but I must have forgotten!)

Yeah - it's weird that I'm excited to turn 30 because most people don't like it. Maybe I'll feel different when it gets closer. I have a different perspective about birthdays now and just feel grateful for every year I am blessed to be alive and enjoy every day with my precious family.

Anyway, your kids are all so cute! I am so impressed that you are a mom to four children and you seem to do it effortlessly (although I know it requires TONS of effort)! I'd love yo see you again sometime and meet your kids. Let me know if you guys ever make it out to Utah!

Suzanne said...

thanks for sending us a christmas card... that was so thoughtful of you! looks like you guys had a very fun, very busy holiday!

Candice said...

I'm dying to know - are you still up to date with all your scrapbooking? You have so many great pics, I'd never know how to pick which ones to include! Hope you're all having a great new year!!

Karla Cheney said...

Wow Liz! There are so many pictures on this post that I love that I don't know which to comment on. I love the ones of the boys and the girls with Collin and the one of Rachie and Kate looking over their shoulders at you, also the one of me with Aurora and Kate. I really like that one with Mark and Collin. He really looks like his Daddy in that one. I'm really looking forward to your visit. I'll bet Collin has changed a lot.

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