Saturday, October 27, 2012

First Day of School! {2012}

Little Man E and Little Miss R had their first day of school at the end of August.  It was exciting to have Little Man E start 2nd grade, and Little Miss R 1st grade.  In our area, there is a Kindergarten school, for only Kindergarteners to go.  So this year, is the first year that Little Man E and Little Miss R have attended the same school, as each other.  That is really awesome for me, because it makes it much easier for me to attend school events, parties, and transporting them; because it's only to one school.  The kids were really excited to see all of their friends, and to meet their new teacher.  Little Miss R has the same teacher, that Little Man E had last year.  It was very different for Little Miss K, Little Man C and I to be alone at home, without both Little Man E and Little Miss R, during the day.  But I enjoyed some alone time with them, all the same.       

1 comment:

Angela said...

How exciting!! Cute pictures-- Rach is such a poser!! Cute!

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