Monday, May 03, 2010

Ultrasound...We're having a...{2010}

I had my ultrasound.  The technician said that everything is measuring right on.  She asked us if we wanted to find out the gender of the baby, and we said YES.  So she looked and we're having a BOY!  So this will add to our family: 2 and 2.  We are going to have 2 Boys and 2 Girls.  We are very excited about this!
We bought a blue onesie and wrapped it up for Little Man E, Little Miss R and Baby K to open, and said, "This is a clue to what kind of baby we will be having."  They opened it, and said, "We're having a Boy!"  They were very excited.  
Little Man E, is thrilled of course, he has been saying, "I couldn't live with it if it is another sister!  I need a brother!"  I'm sure he would have been okay eventually, but I'm glad that he'll have a brother, somewhat close to his age, (he'll be 6 by the time the baby comes).  Little Miss R, (4) has been telling everyone including people like the pharmacist at the store, for weeks, that, "My mommy is pregnant with a baby boy!"  She is so funny.  She thinks that Little Man E, needs to have a brother.  Baby K, I think, understands somewhat what is going on, but she loves babies nonetheless, so she will be thrilled anyway.  She says "Baby" and points to my stomach, (and will be 2 by the time the baby comes).  I am nearing 19 weeks, and feeling pretty great.  My morning sickness is pretty much gone, and I am loving feeling this baby move and kick.  He is quite the active little guy.  I love this part of pregnancy!

In regards to a name, Little Man E, wants to name him "Bumblebee Transformer".  I told him just jokingly (not thinking he'd go for it), "If we did that, we'd have to change your name to Optimus Prime!"  He said, "Yeah, let's do that!  I have always wanted to be named that!"  LOL, he is one funny boy!  I told him he could call him "Bumblebee" for a nickname, but that was probably not going to be his real name. :)


Suzanne said...

congratulations!! another boy! yea! we love boys around here! :) glad you're feeling better!

Suzanne said...
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Angi said...

Congrats!!! I didn't even know you were pregnant! That is awesome. When are you due?

Ingrid said...

Congratulations on having a boy! So exciting! That will be great to have two and two. Your pictures are all so adorable! I am glad you're not sick anymore. Hope the rest of the pregnancy you have energy and feel great!

Anna said...

Sweet! Congratulations! How fun to have two of each! I can't imagine having four kids, but you're a supermom and can handle anything!

Ryan and Leah said...


Megan and Jeremy said...

So, so, so happy you're getting baby boy #2!!! Can't wait to see Bumblebee in person someday :) (next summer, right?!?!?!)

Jenny said...

Congrats Liz! How exciting for Ethan to have a brother. I'm glad you're feeling good!

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