Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our Little Baby K is here!! {2008}

The early morning of September, (the day before her due date) Baby K entered the world at 4:06 am weighing 7 lbs, and 6.8 oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. I woke up feeling strong contractions at 1:30 am and we got to the hospital at 3:40 am (Mark’s Mom came and stayed the night at our place with the kids). They checked me, and I was dilated to a 10 already! I would have liked to have meds, but they said that they wouldn’t even go into affect until she was out. So I went all natural. I definitely prefer having meds!! It was 2.5 hours of labor, and she arrived 25 minutes after I got to the hospital. It was very intense and extremely quick. I was glad that it was fast though, because of having to feel the entire thing this time. We stayed at the hospital for 2.5 days and then we went home. I have the best husband, not only did he bring me roses to the hospital, but when I got home there was a huge bouquet of lilies on the table, and he had cleaned the entire house. He has been very very helpful. We came home on my birthday, and he helped take care of the kids and made the meals all day, and then bought me an icecream cake, my favorite pizza flavors from Papa Murpheys and a glider rocker. We celebrated Little Man E’s birthday on his day a few days before Baby K was born. We had lovely parties for both his and my birthdays. I thought it was so cute, because on my birthday Little Man E, asked me, “Mommy are you turning four too?” (so adorable!) I am having fun taking pictures, as usual. :) Little Man E and Little Miss R absolutely adore their new baby sister. Little Miss R says, "I love my new baby sister, her cute." They both love holding her! Mark and I are so excited about her too. She fits right in, and is such a wonderful little baby. We all love her so much! {}


jen bryner said...

oh my gosh, she is so beautiful!! seriously, she is so darn cute:) she has such an expressive face. congratulations! i bet you are having so much fun with her!

Kaylene said...

Oh, Liz! She's so adorable! And wow, what a quick delivery! Congrats and I'm so excited for you and your cute family! Enjoy! :)

Ryan and Leah said...

She is beautiful! I am so glad you go her here safely! And I'm sorry about the no meds thing, that does not sound fun to me at all. I hope you are all doing well. Congratulations!

Keri_B said...

She is such a pretty little baby!! Congrats on the new arrival!

Melissa and Bryan said...

Congratulations! She is so adorable and you look amazing for just giving birth! I can't believe you had her so fast with out pain medicine. Way to go!! She's so adorable!!

Carolyn said...

Congratulations! They say the third is the wildcard birth. I myself was a third baby, and my mom had a very similar birth experience to yours (except they told her there was no way she was far enough along to be admitted but that's another story!). Another friend of mine had a baby completely unassisted (other than her hubby, but does that really count?) because her labor was about 20 minutes!

She is adorable! Congratulations again! What a darling little girl!

Emily said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful little girl, and a wonderful growing family! I'm glad for you that it went so quickly. I don't have a lot of perspective on the with/without meds thing because I had a c-section, but I think you're Superwoman!

christine said...

congratulations--you both look beautiful.

sheesh--no meds?? ouch!

Anjuli Fry said...

Oh my gosh!! Natural! Crazy! Though you don't even look like you went through labor. She is very cute, glad to hear everyone is doing great!

Evelyn said...

I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations...she is really adorable and I love the name Kate! I'm glad it was quick for you and that you seem to be doing well! Your picture looked pretty good considering the natural birth! Take care and get lots of rest!!

Borland family said...

She's adorable! HOw fun is it that you and Becky have little ones the same age!Let us know when the blessing is. We may make it down. Or, we're moving to Puyallup and I noticed it's near Lacey, you'll have to let us know when you're up this way. How is Amy doing? I never hear from her. Are they doing good?

Ann-Marie Photography said...

It was fun talking to you the other day and hearing your story--she is just beautiful! She looks so alert already and the pictures of Ethan and Rachel with her are so sweet. You can tell how much they love her already :)
I just wish I could be there to hold her!!!

Rachel Berry said...

Oh how cute is she!! You take much better pictures than the hospital!! They don't know what they are doing up there with that camera they are using. Love that little face of her and the kids look so excited! Congrats guys!!

The Berrys

Summer said...

oh I love those first two pictures the best. She looks so cute and that outfit it really cute too. That's fun she has dark hair.

Suzanne said...

Congrats! She is such a cute little girl, I love the picture with her tounge sticking out! I hope you're doing well!

The Graves Family said...

Congrats! She is beautiful. I hope you get plenty of rest.

The Graves

Bromileys said...

She's beautiful! And only 25 minutes? That woul dhave been crazy. But why did yuo have to stay for 2.5 days? I thougth you can ususally get out after 24 hours?

Suzie Rae said...

Congratulations! She is adorable! I love your pictures, especially the one of her wrapped in the white blanket. Enjoy every moment!

Ingrid said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!! She is just gorgeous, and I love the name Kate! I'm so happy for you guys. I'm so sorry you had no meds. That's my worst nightmare. I love all the pics. She's already photogenic, which is rare :) Enjoy having a little angel from heaven in your home! I miss the good ol' Ricks days...

Anna said...

Kate is adorable! I'm so glad to hear that you had a fast delivery! I LOVE all of the photos you posted - you have some really good ones! Hope everything is going well. You're in my prayers.

sherrie said...

congrats! glad she arrived safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Elizabeth & Mark!!! Thank you for sending an email announcing baby Kate's birth! I don't have a computer anymore so I am rarely able to view friends' blogs. I am so thrilled for you guys and happy you and the baby are healthy! You are a champ when it comes to delivering babies, my friend. Although I have never gone through the experience yet, my sister has told me all kinds of horror stories. I'm relieved everything went fine though. Kate is sooooooo adorable and your family gets cuter with each child!

CONGRATS, again!

Melissa and Bryan said...

Elizabeth I know I already commented but your little girl is a doll! Congratulations again! Oh and our address is 730 E. Evelyn 831 Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Thanks!

Adrienne & Max said...

SO happy I got to meet ms. Kate!! She is absolutely adorable!!!! It was Awesome to spend some time with you last night!! :)


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