Monday, July 27, 2009

Kids say such cute things!

Little Miss R, has a play engagement ring, and she was talking to her daddy and said, "I got married in the temple and this is the ring my prince gave me."

Mark said, "I'm not ready for you to get married. You're only three. You need to wait a few more years!"

Little Miss R, thought about it for a bit and then replied, "Okay Daddy, I'll get married at eleven."


Steph said...

That made me smile. :O)

Summer said...

That's cute. Do you write those things in their baby books? Lately Ginger has been saying alot of cute things too so I keep a pad a paper around to record it before I forget.

Elizabeth C said...

Yes, I do that too, write them on a pad and then I have a individual journal for them and me, that I write it in and their own scrapbooks too. But yes, definitely I can relate with the pad of paper, because I don't have as much time to write it directly into their journal, so it's great to have that available so I don't forget!

Candice said...

Smart girl - are you ready for only 8 more years with her? ;)

Elizabeth C said...

LOL, yah Candice that is super young to get married!!

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