Monday, January 06, 2014

{Family Fun: October 2013}

We enjoy taking our children to the park.  I love the Fall colors in these pictures.
Our children love to play at the park. 
We have so much fun together.
 I love Baby H's pretty long eyelashes. Such a lovely day at the park.
It's so fun to watch our children learn and grow.  Princess R and Little Man E have been becoming better at reading, and it's so fun to watch them reading to us, themselves and to their siblings.
Our apartment is smaller than our home, and as we are patiently waiting for our home to sell in Oregon (so we can build here), we have to do some unconventional things.  Such as Baby H sleeping in one of her cribs in Daddy's closet in our room (we also have a crib in one of the kid's rooms, but we like to have her close to us at night).  Our sweet little princess, snuggling with her amazing Daddy.
 Little Man E snuggling with Mama, and the kids making chocolate chip cookies together.
I had the privilege recently of meeting up with one of my awesome friends {Emily} from college, (that I haven't seen in years) at this fun place with tons of bouncy houses in our town.  We all had such a fun time together.  It was such a great day!
My husband Mark loves to map out, new places to explore together.  We went for a drive and enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful Fall colors together and seeing fun new places.
 The kids enjoyed building a rock fire pit, and we all enjoyed the beautiful views and lovely day together.
 Our 3 older Children {who are in Primary} had their first {in our new ward} Primary Program {ages 3 to 12} at Church.  A Primary Program is when all of the Children of the Ward at Church, get together and sing all of the songs that they have learned that year, and each have a speaking part in front of the whole Ward (congregation).  Our Ward that we recently moved into, has a HUGE Primary.  It was so amazing to listen to all of the Children sing together {of course I get emotional watching my Children performing so well up there}.  Each of them had speaking parts, and they were: {Little Man E}: "Prophets teach us to live the restored gospelThe living prophet leads the Church under the direction of Jesus Christ."  {Princess R}: "From the scriptures we learn that the Lord wants us to pray to Him always and about anything.  He loves to hear from us."  {Princess K}: "Because of Christ's Atonement, I can repent and live with God again."  They all did such an amazing job on their parts and songs!  We were so proud of them.  {We had been practicing the parts with the kids, in the weeks before, and Little Man C learned Princess K's part so well, that he was able to recite it by heart. It was super cute, that when the other kids were practicing their parts, he recited "his" part too.}

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