Thursday, December 19, 2013

{Christmas Card 2013}


from 2013

We wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you have an Amazing New Year!  We are grateful for Jesus Christ and His perfect example, and His love for us.  This year has been a challenging, yet wonderful year for us with many, many changes for all of us to celebrate and to endure.

{Family}  Because of Mark's new Job, we have all moved to Idaho and put our home on the market.  After our home sells in Oregon, we will be building our new Home {with my studio}, here.  We are all adjusting well to our new area.  We love it here!  We enjoy Singing together at Church {and home}:  We recently sang "Silent Night" in church as a family, and it went very well.  We love having game nights, parties, swimming, playing soccer, dance parties, singing karaoke, movie nights, family home evening, exploring beautiful places outdoors, visiting family and friends, camping, cooking and baking, hiking, fishing, and going to the library and park together.

Mark: Graduated from E O U in Elementary Education, Accepted a job as a 2nd grade teacher in Idaho, and is Loving his new Job {We are so proud of him!}! He is enjoying working with the 12-13 year old Scouts at church.  He loves to Sing with his Family.  He is looking forward to Designing and Building our new Home here, in Idaho.  He enjoys finding new places for our family to explore, outdoors.

Elizabeth: Loves to Sing with her Family. She enjoys being the CEO of her home and having her wonderful children always near. She loves doing her Photography Business. She enjoyed being the Relief Society pianist at church and now is enjoying being the ward photographer.  She loves doing anything Creative, Crafty or Active.  She also loves Date night with her Handsome Husband.  She loves teaching her children to be musical.

Little Man E {nine}: Started 3rd grade at the school Daddy teaches at {its so fun for them!}, and likes doing math and science at school.  He played soccer this summer and was awesome at it.   He is a big helper at home and a wonderful big brother.  He likes reading stories about dragons and dinosaurs, and singing with his family.  He loves being in Scouts.  Little Man E makes friends easily, which came in handy when we moved at the beginning of this school year.  E wants to be a Video Game creator, or a Movie Maker when he grows up.    

Princess R {seven}: Started 2nd grade at the school Daddy teaches at; is a Rock star reader {she loves to read!} and is reading 2 grades ahead of her grade level!  She is also getting straight A's in school.  She played soccer this summer {she loved playing goalie--she's so brave!}, loves to perform {dancing and singing}, design fashions, loves to draw and write, and is a wonderful big sister.  Princess R loves socializing and making new friends.  She wants to be a Pop singer, Ballet dancer and Fashion designer when she grows up.     

Princess K {five}: is doing Preschool with Mom, loves to giggle {she has a contagious laugh!}, talk, sing, dance, loves playing at the park and going to library story time.  She loves playing Barbie's {Daddy built them a beautiful new Doll House for last Christmas, and Mommy decorated it} and dress-up with her older sister, learning to read, and building with blocks and drawing.  Princess K is a big helper to Mom, while the older kids are at school.  She wants to be a ice cream (truck) woman, magician, painting artist, and a drummer when she grows up.

Little Man C {three}: Enjoys going to the Park and Library story time, speaks very well, and is potty training himself.  He loves cars, singing, dancing {he's so cute!}, reading stories with Mom and Dad, being a big helper, dinosaurs, and building with blocks and duplos.  He is fearless, very active {he keeps Mom and Dad on their toes!}, and is 100% boy.  He also is very affectionate {as are all of our children}.  His favorite movie right now is "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer".  Little Man C wants to be a Parent and Santa Claus when he grows up.

Baby H {eleven months}: Born at the very end of last year!  Learned to roll over, giggle, sit-up, crawl {really tried hard to be like her "big" brothers and sisters}, stand, walk {prefers to walk now}, talk {is a little parrot and copies everything, and said, "Is that your book?"}, "sing", dancing, gives kisses and cuddles, and loves her family so much.  She always likes to smile at everyone, and is already very social and wanting to make friends {as long as Mom or Dad are close by}.  She also likes to explore her surroundings, and is adventurous.

We hope you are all well and happy; and have a joyous year!

Love, The Chandlers

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